Saturday, March 20, 2010

don't you wan be lost then found ?

2010 March 21th
no more love between us ? why she can being nothing when i tell her something ? is it she lazy to bother anymore ? or she just want to balas dendam ? u think u never change ? yes , u change a lot too .. before start work , u'll msg me every morning , now ?? no more .... just online share with ppl .. how bout me ? "Staring at tears on the pages"
Of letters that I never could’ve write
Now I know love isn’t painless,
but it's worth the risk,
it’s worth the fight
Playing it over and over
I wish that I could turn back time, baby
We were wrong, but we could be right

21th 3pm
Why she cant msg me and tell me some sweet thing le ? don't know doesn't means cannot learn , can learn but only u don't want .. only know tell me "don't know"
Last night i ask her a question , "will u rush here to visit if i'm in hospital ? she said:" i won't " but don't worry , why i should do such stupid thing to attract u care about me ? if u really care about me , show me , say truth la .. i started don't trust u .. always say u love me .. prove la ... never prove ...

爱不是用口来表达的. 的来自以内心的散发

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