Friday, March 19, 2010

The first & the last girl i meet

Is our school Holiday .... and im doin part timer job in chung hwa electrical shop at mile4 bandar indah,in that time my best friend was SMS-ing with a girl,then i saw and ask my friend who is she,he told me she is kakak angkat of him,and he show her Picture to me..then i decided to take her HP no.from him,but i don't know why i'll take her no. coz i know she was in K.K,and its far away from us...but my heart ask me to take her hp no. becoz i trust its my feeling with her...
The first night i sent her a msg,then she reply who i am..hahaha..i reply her said is her kai di friend....after that we started be close.

Not more than a month then i tell her that i fall in love with her...and that time i vindicate with her in my hometown ipoh by using call..then she was dissapear.. >.
2006 March 22th
Wuhoo~~just back home from school...its 1.30pm if i din mistake...received a IQ msg...ask me to count how many YES and how many NO...... >.< the answer is YES .... this is my LOVE to her..a very meaningfull love to her...never regret,never forget,she is the first & the last.The first i promise her is our appoint 3years..

2010 March 19th 9:30pm
i still remember what she told me..she said can we together till the end of time? i said "did i say i juz want 4years relationship"?? A wonderful relationship for me,why i say this 4years not easy that u think...happy,unhappy,argue, a lots of dissapointed too..the time we start,one year only can meet one there anybody willing to take these relationship?? but i'll ! my tears,my heart,only for her....she is very simple girl,what she wish??she only want i sent many many msg to her then she can satisfied...

2010 MARCH 19th 11pm
Just now we argue...i know she stress in work,and some unhappy thing appear on her mind...So hold her tight and never let her go,day & night let her know i love her too ...